Back in Business, Baby…

Yeaaaay… finally after 3 whole weeks being online using the USB Modem, which went on and off all the time.. Now we got a proper internet line at the apartment.. (dance) Turn out that when the apartment being renovated, one of the worker who worked on the kitchen managed to screwed over one of the cable lines.. So today they ran new cable from the basement up to the apartment...

Ooh.. Diary

Hari ini iseng baca diaryku dari jaman kuliah dulu… Bentuknya bukan lagi buku, tapi file word yang di kasih password. Hahaha.. keren kan paperless + high tech.. halaaaaah.. (taser) Setelah baca2 beberapa post, rasanya geli aja gitu sama apa yang aku tulis dan baru sadar kalau ternyata hatiku Rinto juga.. 😛 melankolis banget.. LOL Setelah aku perhatiin, topik yang paling mendominasi ternyata tentang cowo.. hahahahaha.. malu sendiri gini ngakuinnya.. Tapi...

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fall

So… This week we got Fall for the week challenge theme… I thought about few stuff, like the season, people actually falling but then I found this one picture that I think will be an interesting interpretation of the theme, which is…. FALLing in love… I took this pic at the Malmöfestival – a yearly event in Malmö, Sweden where they have bands, bazaar and others..  That time, they had...

Cooking Diary – Ayam Goreng Asam Manis

Dapet resep ini dari aplikasi Masak Apa dari detikfood yang aku download beberapa bulan lalu. Aplikasinya sendiri gratisan dan diupdate setiap beberapa minggu. Lumayan banget untuk cari2 inspirasi. Resepnya sendiri ga ribet2 banget. Dibanding sama ayam goreng mentega mah ini jauh lebih simple. Bahan2nya adalah: 300 gr daging ayam 1 siung bawang putih – diparut ½ sendok teh merica bubuk 1 sendok teh garam 1 butir telur ayam – dikocok...