Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer

I love summer…

I love the fact that I don’t need to put 1o layers of cloths before going out .

I love the fact that walking by near the harbour is no longer a torture with the strong cold wind.

I love the fact that the sun is actually shining and not hiding behind the clouds all the time.

I love the fact that for a short amount of time, I feel like I’m back home in Indonesia again.

and I know that summer is coming (or maybe it’s already here) when I see people brave enough at throwing them self  to the cold water of the sea.

What do you like the most about summer?

* * * *

Don’t forget to check others take on this week theme here.

More about Bébé

An Indonesian who currently living in Helsingborg, Sweden. A wife and a mom of two cute baby girls. A gadget-freak, manga lover and k-pop listener. Has a passion for photography. Love traveling and cooking.

31 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer

  1. Albadr Nasution

    Seperti biasa bu, keren… Itu yang difoto orang atau bubunya sendiri nih….
    Di swedia yak?


    1. Bébé

      Itu anak2 gitu deh.. ga tau anaknya siapa.. Motonya dari jauh.. Aku mah ga berani nyemplung ke laut gitu..

      Iya di Swedia.. Tepatnya Helsingborg..


  2. nique

    akhirnya ada juga yang pajang foto SUMMER.
    Dari tadi udah nungguin bahan contekan hahaha

    btw itu lokasi dimanakah?


    1. Bébé

      Hahahaha… pas banget nih baru hari Jumat sorenya foto2, eh ternyata tema-nya summer.. hihihi

      Itu di pantai deket rumah. Di sini pantainya ga berpasir gitu, tapi langsung batu2.. jadi musti loncat kalo mau nyempung..


  3. arman

    allergy season is almost over! hehe


    1. Bébé

      Ahahahaha… eh di sini malah mulai loh.. Yang alergi polen (ga tau itu bahasa inggris ato indo) dari bunga kesian banget kalo lagi jalan keluar, mata/mukanya bisa bengkak2..


  4. Retiring Sort

    Great summer post – the carefree kids jumping in the water make a great image!


  5. Jo Bryant

    wish you had a love this button for this image


    1. Bébé

      Yeah, me too… been looking for the right plugins for it, but still haven’t found it.. thanks anyway..


  6. Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

    […] Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer | { a Memory Bliss } […]


  7. amar

    nice refreshing shot


  8. ElizOF

    I love the warm weather and light clothing, but I love the brightly colored summer flowers. 🙂


    1. Bébé

      Ah yeah.. the flowers.. me too.. Can’t help not to stop taking pictures everytime I go out..


  9. Diandra

    seperti biasa hasil jepretannya bubu emang keren-kereeen…….


    1. Bébé

      tapi tapi tapi… ini hasil jepretannya bebe… hihihihihi…


  10. niee

    huwaaaa segerr.. jadi pengen berenang deh…

    klo disini 364 harinya summer super dasyat terus.. hahaha…


    1. Bébé

      364? 1 harinya berarti ujan terus dong ya? hihihihi…

      Samaaaak.. panas2 gitu rasanya emang enak kalo nyemplung ke aer.. tapi aku tatut…


  11. Ely Meyer

    bisa berenang di kolam renang etrbuka atau danau Be 🙂


    1. Bébé

      Wah itu enak banget mba.. aku juga pingin.. tapi kalau udah ketemu airnya malah males..


  12. misstitisari

    duhh itu fotonya bikin pengen berennag dahhh #kipaskipas


    1. Bébé

      hahahaha… samak.. tapi aku malaass.. pingin tapi males.. 😛


  13. ndutyke

    Aku suka kalo musim panas soalnya cucian kering dlm waktu sehari


    1. Bébé

      nyahahaha.. ternyatah..


  14. dani

    Luckily I’m still here in Indonesia Mba Bebe. Thus, I still enjoy abundant ray of sunlight. 😀
    Never thought that sunshine all the year is a blessing. 😀


    1. Bébé

      Hahaha.. Iyaaa.. Kadang kalo lagi musim dngin, mataharinya suka bikin kangen. tapi kalau kelamaan suka bete sendiri jadinya..


  15. bubbles

    Bisa pakai dress/celana pendek dan sendal jepit, be! Another favorite thing about summer is the abundance of festivals, free concerts, and outdoor events. Lots of pool time, barbequing and eating outside ..summer is my favorite time of the year!


    1. Bébé

      Hoooooh iyaaaaaaaah…

      Festival… bulan juli sama agustus ini biasanya kota2 besar di swedia ada festival tahunan gitu deh.. muhahahaha.. eh.. >_< tapi emang summer itu menyenangkan ya.. asal ga pake ujan..


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