It might be interesting if my hubby got multiplied like this.. although I wonder will it be a good thing or not.. hahahahaha..
Bubu Got Multiplied…

It might be interesting if my hubby got multiplied like this.. although I wonder will it be a good thing or not.. hahahahaha..
hahaha lucuu…. enak ya kalo graphic designer, bisa ngedit foto jadi lucu2 *inginn hehehe
Hahaha, kemarin lagi iseng banget abis moto2in si bubu… Tiba2 jadi gt deh.. 😛
Mbak, fotonya bisa bersih banged gitu diapain sih? pake sotosop ya?
Yups.. Sotosop banget ini.. ^__^ lagi iseng nontonin si bubu main tennis kepikiran bikin ginian.. Akhirnya di foto sesuai sama tempat2 yg diatas trus tinggal digabungin deh..
if reality, it would be a wonder …

greetings by