It’s a picture of the last two leaves stayed on a tree.. I took it with tilting my head straight up, so the white part was actually the sky.. it is one of my favorite pictures on my collection. It’s like a symbol of holding on waiting for the time to fall.. together.. I don’t know.. Maybe I read too much of simple thing.. ^__^ Hope you like it.....
Cooking Diary – Pasta and Meatballs with Tomato Sauce
Selama ini kalau lagi mau buat pasta plus meatballs (mau bilang bakso kok rasanya ga cocok yaa… pake meatballs aja ya nyebutnya), biasanya mertua yang nyedian udah jadi tapi dibekuin biar tahan lama dan aku tinggal nambahin saosnya aja. Kali ini mertua ga ngasih jatah, jadi mau ga mau harus buat sendiri deh… Aku minta tolong si bubu untuk nanya resep ke ibunya, tapi curiganya sih dia agak2 lost in...