Took this picture when I went to a beautiful island in West Java, Indonesia called Umang Island. It was so pretty it looked like a little paradise on earth. I went there with my sister and my two friends (which one of them became my husband now) and it was a bliss. We went through a lot of hurdle to get to this place. And not just because it took 5 hours to get there, but problems already started right from the minute we decided to go.. Oh.. all the drama that day… ckckckck.. But you know what, I never regret that we pushed ourselves to actually went there anyway… My life might not be like it is right now, if we didn’t..
Weekly Photo Challenge: Regret

benih2 cinta nya tumbuh di pulau umang ya… 😀
Cuit..cuit…bener tuh kata mas Arman hahaha….
Mudah2an kami bisa juga liburan kesana…
BTW, itu jejak kaki siapa ceritanya?
itu jejak kaki adekku…ato itu kakiku ya..? lupa..
owww jadi berawal dari Pulau Umang toh hihihihi
nice shot
Love this image. Makes me want to go run and play. Glad you made it there to capture this despite all your troubles. 🙂
Thanks Angelia… yeah, so glad we were a bunch of hard headed kids back in the day…
Hihihihi… jadi mo komentar foto apa cerita romantisnya yah? *bingung…*
Eniwei, fotonya keren. Pas itu ngambil fotonya udah pake kamera SLR juga yah?
hihihi.. dua2 boleh kokChit, aku menanti komen darimu dengan lapang dada… *iigh opo siih*
Itu cuma pake kamera pocket kok.. baru dapet SLR pas di Swedia…
Bagus fotonya, efek BW-nya bikin “dapet” gitu
captivating photo.
thanks Susan…
keren kak photonya …
cinta bersemi di pulau umang yah ceritanya .