So.. back with the weekly challenge..
Took the picture below last year around Christmas time. The neighbor across the street already set up their lights few weeks before the day so I just took the chance to snapped some pictures… Free props always good, right?
Anyway… this is how the picture look like on the first try… Did it on purpose because I thought that it might be good for a background or something…
Then, this is the real deal…
Upside Down World
* * * *
Hope you guys love the pictures as much as I do… Don’t forget to check out others take on this week theme too…
The second one is magical!
Thanks Gilly 😀
[…] Unfocused « juliapuliaUnfocused « Fenland Photos Unfocused « Thoughts Unrestricted Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused | { a Memory Bliss } Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused « acieartikulasi Weekly Photo Challenge : Unfocused « The […]
[…] a Memory Bliss […]
nyahahahaha… bokehnya enak yaaa?!
eh ini postingan ttg foto unfocused kedua pagi ini 😀
jadi pengen ngubek2 koleksi fotoku, yang pastinya banyak unfocused hehehe
have a greet weekend ya Be!
Sama2… have a nice weekend juga yaaa.. ^_^
[…] Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused | { a Memory Bliss } […]
waaahhh keren mbak be..
suka deh.. 😀
Makasih Niee.. ^__^
[…] […]
DAMN! It’s too amazing. Worthy to be the best photo on this week challenge.
Truly fit to the theme but at amazing level.
Like it the most from all participant.
Can you share how you crafted it? Mumpung fellow indonesian nih, hehe…
waaaah… jadi ga enak baca komennya hahaha.. makasih yaaa..
Hmm.. yang foto pertama, kameranya di setting manual fokus, trus tinggal diarahin ke lampu2 aja deh.. nanti langsung keliatan bulet2nya.. ^_^
Yang foto ke-2 aku fokusin ke hiasan kaca yang mantulin pemandangan di jalan.. Jadi udah ga pake edit2 lagi.. Cuma diatur contrast-nya aja 😀
[…] forget to check another great participant throughout WordPress universe. Picture posted by Bebenyabubu is the most recommended one, like it the most. Enjoy the […]
Great…! d(^_^)b
Photo kedua ini bikin aku ingat photo setetes embun yang refleksinya mirip ini…Sekali-kali coba deh be, pasti keren! ^_^
iyaaa pingin.. harus cari embunnya dulu nih.. X_X
Bebe, the second one is wonderful! ^^
Makasiiiiih… (cozy)
That second image is lovely.
Thanks alot…
nice shot
Thank you…
Lovely – love the gold color…
Thanks.. yeah i think the same too.. the color makes it more special..
cakep euy fotonya!
Yuppii… bokeeeeeeh.. hahahaha….
Thank you ya jeng..
Bokehnya keren deh beeee 😮
taratengkyu yaaaah..
Disclaimer: Maaf yak, komen di bawah ini 100 persen Out Of The Topic. Tapi gue pengin banget nulis ini:
Ipiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn, gue kangennnnnnnnnnnn!
Lately gue lagi ribet sama kerjaan tulis-menulis yang dikejar-kejar deadline. Ditambah lagi blekberi gue metong.
Jadinya jarang chit-chat nongnong sama lo lagi deh. Semoga si blekberi cepet bener lagi. Huhuhu. Amin.
Buruan kelarin kerjaannya gih.. biar bisa ngobrol lagi.. aku pun kangen… hahaha..
eh butuh gw kirim foto gw ga? siapa tau jadi tambah semangat kerjanya…
this is just eclectic…loved it! My favorite so far! cheers!
Wow.. thanks..
Loved the original picture, as well as the little “magic” you did with it!
Greetings from Brazil!
Hi Raquel… thanks for loving the picture too..
Oh just so it’s clear.. I didnt edit the pictures at all.. Just tweak the brightness and contrast.. and that’s it.. It’s just so there’s no missunderstanding..
seperti yang direkomendasikan oleh tetangga sebelah, ternyata memang KEREN.
bokeh nya juga keren.
huaaaaaaaaa bagus banget!!!!!!!! sumpeeeeeehhhh….
Waaaaah.. seriussss loh neeeeeeeeeeeeeeek???? *ikutan heboh*
Thank you yaks..