Yeaaaay… finally after 3 whole weeks being online using the USB Modem, which went on and off all the time.. Now we got a proper internet line at the apartment.. (dance) Turn out that when the apartment being renovated, one of the worker who worked on the kitchen managed to screwed over one of the cable lines.. So today they ran new cable from the basement up to the apartment...
a day without internet… >.
Hari ini berasa boseeeeeeeen banget.. gara2 internet di rumah tiba2 metong alias mati total.. Padahal awalnya baik2 aja, koneksinya pun akhir2 ini juga OK.. ga tau kenapa tadi tiba2.. byar peeeet… huh macam PLN aja.. Tapi jadinya berasa banget, tanpa internet jadi ga tau mau ngapain gitu dirumah.. Nonton TV juga bosen.. hahaha.. Am I already become an internet addict?? (lonely) kayaknya sih gitu… with nothing to do at home.....