Just sent an application for a job vacancy as a photo assistant here in Malmö… Hopefully I will get some good news in a few days.. huwaaaaah… It’s not an easy task to find a job in a new country, especially if you’re not fluent with the language. But yeah.. you can only try hard and hope for the best right? The job that I just applied to is a...
Starting the Hunt of Apartment…
Salah satu rencana BESAR kita berdua adalah punya rumah sendiri.. Well in this case our own apartment (ga akan mampu beli rumah disini -__-“) Tapi ternyata punya ‘rumah’ sendiri itu ga gampang yaa… Proses pembelian apartement disini ternyata agak beda sama di Indo. Mungkin lebih mirip seperti kita beli apartemen di Jakarta. Jadi walaupun beli, tapi musti bayar sewa untuk air, internet, tv perbulannya diluar cicilan ke bank.. Itupun belum...