Dari wiken kemarin… * * * * Main seluncuran salju lagi Udah pada liat video-ku yang main seluncuran salju belum? hayoooo udah belum? kalo belum langsung menuju ke TKP ya teman-teman. Naaah, itu kan kejadiannya hari Jumat dimana si Bubu ganteng lagi kerja, alhasil doi ga bisa ikutan deh. Pas dia pulang kerja, kami semua — as in gw, nyokap dan adek gw — langsung dengan semangatnya cerita ke dia...
Falling in love with Fall
[pullquote align=”left”]“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” ― Lauren DeStefano, Wither[/pullquote] Wiken kemarin kami minjem mobil lagi karena mau berkunjung ke rumah temennya mertua di kota Kristianstad yang lokasinya sekitar 1½ jam perjalanan naik mobil dari Helsingborg. Berhubung untuk ke sana ga bisa capcus lewat jalan tol,...
Wordless Wednesday: Holiday Preview
Stories coming soon * * * * PS: foto di kiri atas ternyata dipilih oleh @gf_germany sebagai salah satu photo of the day-nya mereka di instagram.. Cenangnyaaa.....
Wordless Wednesday: For You Mom
Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love. – Stevie Wonder * * * * You care, love and teach. You are protective and supportive. You make me a proud person. May you be blessed with love and continue to live a joyful life for all the years to come....