Perhatian: aku cuma mau bilang kalau aku udah minta ijin sama si bubu sebelum mutusin untuk nulis cerita2 ini di blog. Bukannya gimana2, cuma salah2 nanti dikira mau jelek2in suami lagi, padahal aku anggepnya yang dia lakuin itu lucu banget.. ^__^ Daripada dikira yang enggak2 kan.. makanya diriku jelasin dulu yah. 😛 * * * * Jadi, selama ini aku kebiasaan tidur malem (banget) gara2 nge-skype sama si bubu. Nah...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Possibility
This week theme is actually kinda hard.. It took me a while to found the pictures that I think suited the theme. Took this picture early this year in Malmö, Sweden near the Turning Torso area. I had my eyes on it for a while until it flew right infront of me.. And I was thinking.. Where will it fly to? hmm… * * * * This one I took...