This week theme is actually kinda hard.. It took me a while to found the pictures that I think suited the theme.

Took this picture early this year in Malmö, Sweden near the Turning Torso area. I had my eyes on it for a while until it flew right infront of me.. And I was thinking.. Where will it fly to? hmm…
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This one I took in Helsingborg also early this year. I always love taking pictures of road sign like this. It just makes you wonder where the road might take you. Specially in new places. It’s exciting..
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I went to Kristianstad one day with my friends and we went to this beach not too far from town. There in the dock a lot of kids just climbed to the wooden rail then jumped to the sea. Took this one while the boy still thinking on jumping or not.. What do you think? Did he do it? ^_^
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I like this week theme. It’s really challenging on getting those pictures that can connect to others who see it. Well I hope you enjoy my pictures..
Here are my other posts on the weekly photo challenge:
Weekly Photo Challenge: Entrance
Weekly Photo Challenge: Flowers
Weekly Photo Challenge: Up
Weekly Photo Challenge: Path
Weekly Photo Challenge: Fall
Weekly Photo Challenge: Sunset
Weekly Photo Challenge: Comfort
The first one is probably one of the best pictures I have ever seen! Unbelievable shot!
Lovely photos on their own. And perfect for the challenge.
That first shot has it all – amazing capture.
wow, love that first shot. Great photo!
I wish you have a “like” button 🙂
@All… thank you for the nice comments.. ^_^
@neng.. lagi cari plugin yang pas nih..
white bright design = good for the topic possibilities!
greetings by
Hoaaaa foto angsa terbangnya keren bangeeeeet

foto lainnya juga bagus2.. mantap bebe!
aku mau ikutan weekly photo contest juga ah.. hihi *padahal bukan pengguna wordpress*
Ayoo ikutan.. seru loh tema2nya… cuma aku juga ga rutin ikutannya nih.. kadang males.. 😀