Kegiatan paling dominan beberapa hari terakhir ini adalah nonton TV Series The Vampire Diaries. Sama kasusnya kayak Twilight, udah tau tentang tv series ini dari lama, tapi entah kenapa males aja nontonnya. Takut banget ceritanya 11-12 sama Twilight Saga. Tapi setelah lihat di ternyata nilainya cukup lumayan juga, sekitar 8.0.. Akhirnya coba nonton deh. Resensinya ceritanya THE VAMPIRE DIARIES is the story of two vampire brothers who are obsessed...
Our 1st Anniversary Celebration
Kemarin adalah wedding anniversary kita yang pertama. Rasanya ga percaya aja kalau ternyata udah setahun kita nikah. Waktu berjalan cepet juga ya? wow.. Untuk ngerayainnya kita ga ada kegitan spesial. Semua kayak hari2 biasa aja. Pagi si bubu kerja, siangnya aku harus test SFI, malamnya kita masak bareng berdua yang menunya pun ga heboh2 banget, cuma sirloin steak + kentang. Abis itu aku sibuk nonton TV series dan si bubu...
It’s been 365 days since…
The most important day of our lives… The day we conquered all obstacles we had before us… The day you and I became a family… The day we said a promise to be always together… The day we said “I do” My Bubu.. Love you… PS: we didn’t actually say “I do” but yeah.. you know.. 😛...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Comfort
For me the best comfort in the world is being home.. But since I live 10.000 km away from it now, I have no other choice than to bring home here. One of the things that makes me feel like I’m back in Indonesia is by eating the food. The thing is.. in Sweden, there’s no Indonesian restaurant. You might find a lot of Thai resto but not Indonesian. So...