To be honest, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the word Indulge was a picture of a cup of chocolate pudding with a creamy whipped cream on top. But then I started to look around the post on the dailypost homepage and noticed this explanation:
Indulge. When we think of the word indulge, food often comes to mind, but indulging isn’t always about food. You can indulge in moments, feelings, emotions, places, and more! It can be a private moment rocking on a hammock, watching a movie on a work day, eating that second piece of chocolate cake, reliving a memory, fantasizing about the future, or treating or pampering yourself.
So, with that thought I started to dig in my photo album and found this picture…
Reading is always been my hobby. One of my bad habit is that sometimes when I read, I shuts myself completely from the outside world. I just sit in my room and just enjoy the book. It drove my mom crazy.. lol.. Now, I don’t have too much spare time to read. I went to the library every once a month and borrowed like tons of books, but they ended up just sitting there on the shelf until it’s time for them to go back “home”. Anyway, those books in the picture were in Swedish. I borrowed it last year in Malmö and only managed to finish just one..
Hmmm… You know what… since I already prepared the picture of the pudding, might as well just post it here too.. 😀
Imagine combining both of them on the same time, reading the book while eating the pudding.. Now that’s what I call the ultimate indulgence…
that last pic is mouth-watering!
Thanks.. I can’t get enough of it also
Thank You Gilly
I enjoy both of these indulgences, too!
It’s just the perfect combo.. right?
Marvelous for this week’s theme!
Thank you for the trackbacks..
[…] A Memory Bliss […]
[…] Weekly Photo Challenge: Indulge : a Memory Bliss […]
my indulgence will come tomorrow! rujak cingur dan kupang lontong!! hahaha
huaaaaa.. kok bisa dapet2nya rujak cingur…
Kupang lontong apaan ya? serius euy ga tau..
iya dong… enak lho rujak cingurnya… 😀
kupang lontong itu juga makanan surabaya. kupang itu kerang kecil2 gitu. trus pake kuah bumbu petis. trus dimakan pake sate kerang.
duh ngeces dah gua ngebayanginnya. hahaha.
Astagaaaaaa… salah banget minta dijelasin nih, jadi penasaran dan kebayang2 rasanya kayak apa ya… >___<
a perfect combination
I think so too…
pas liat bukunya sih jadi ngelirik tumpukan buku yg masih dalam segel
untungnya punya sendiri jadi gak perlu buru2 dibalikin hehehe
pas liat pudingnya hmmm
nikmat bener tuh klo mbaca terus sambil makan puding
sambil stel musik juga
wah … surga dunia ya Be *ngayal*
wes ah, mending beli nasi uduk dulu buat sarapan xixixi
Waaaah.. itu lebih dahsyat lagi tuh efeknya..
mau dong nasi uduknya..
Delicious choices; especially the last one… Please activate your like button so people can like as well as comment on your blog. 🙂
Thank you.. I’ve been looking for the like button too.. but I think they dont have it for blog using…
a creative indulgence!
Be, aku pinjam dua-duanya ya…Buku2nya ama pudding bentar….
Iyaaaa…ntar kubalikin…tenang ajaaaaa….
*ngeloyor masuk kamar
hahahahaha… puddingnya balik2 masih utuh kaaaan? ato ga jadi beranak banyak pas balik nanti?
aku juga suka baca, hubby juga, mudahaaaaaan nular ke Alyzza 😀
tapi aku kurang suka yang manis2, lebih suka cemilan gurih. tapi klo baca buku ga suka nyemil2 takut ngotorin bukunya hehehe..
btw, itu puding ato mousse ya?
Biasanya sih nular tuh.. tapi ga tau juga ya, ortuku dua2nya ga terlalu suka baca… aku nurun dari kakekku nih kayaknya.. Kalo sambil nyemil snack gt memang jadi kotor, kalo pudding kan pake sendok.. asal jgn tumpah2… hihihi
Hmmm… kalo di kotaknya sih tulisannya pudding, tapi emang bentuknya kayak mousse gt sih.. Puddingnya Svensk nih..
chocolate pudding is not a bad idea.
think so too..
hahaha, the second picture is definitely very tempting!!! But somehow the thought that comes to my mind was: “how much sugar is in it?”, wkakakakaka
jiahahaha… kalo itu mah tutup mata aja Ko… belaga ga tau..
I share the same indulgence with books. nice photo.
Thank you Susan..
great post
Thank you for the comment…
Selali suka ma foto2nya… Palagi kl ttg makanaaannnn….
mbak bebe.. aku lagi dieeeet *ngiler liat puding*
Ga boleeeeeh.. temenin aku jadi bulet yuuuuuk….
Hmmmm puddingnya enak. Hihihihi
Enak bangeeeeeeet….
It’s so easy to lose yourself in a good story. Wish someone told me the older I got the less time I’d have to read books. Thanks for sharing (and including the chocolate pudding pic)!
Yeah I know.. when you found that one book that you really liked, it’s easy to forget about everything else around.. 😀
Glad you like it.. ^__^