Well then, it is 8am in the morning, I have just woke up and as usual, bebe is still sleeping… So… I thought for myself, what can be a fun thing to do while she’s a sleep?
Clean the apartment?
Cook something?
Go for a walk?
Too sleepy…
Play a videogame?
Nothing fun to play at the moment…
Write a blog post?
So… let me introduce myself. According to Bebe, I am apparently Bubu. Some might be able to recognize me since I sometimes appear in the background of some pictures posted on this blog. Unfortunatly, I do not know most of you. Maybe we can change that. Bebe usually tells me as soon as someone posts an interesting comment or if she reads something fun / unique on your blog; so by some randomness, I might know a little about you from something like that.
Quick introduction (since I have no clue what kind of information bebe has shared or what kind of information you want to know):
food, games, movies/series, learning new stuff, techonlogy, anime/manga, tennis, bebe?
being hungry, spicey food, not being fluent in indonesian…
Actually, I have nothing specific to write about.. This was just a random thought of mine while being the only one awake in the apartment…
Let’s see the response from Bebe and from you readers and maybe I can prepare myself better for the next time… if there is a next time… (that is, if I get to live another day after fiddling with someones blog without permission…)
Waaahhh is so special reading post from you..
Btw.. i cant write english very well.. but i can introduce my self is artist blogger from pontianak west borneo.. hihihihi..
Nice to met your posting bubu.. I think you can have many fans in this blog 😉
Greetings and congratulations on getting the first comment on my first post! ^_^
Your English is a lot better than my Indonesian so do not worry!
*Had to look at a map to see where you are from*
Nice to meet your comment!
Hi Bubu,

Alyzza’s bunda here. Nice try though.. I think bebe will like your post (maybe) 😀
Hmm… well, good luck living for another day then 😛
Hi ridha,
I looked at your avatar and name and I was like “hm… this one I actually recognize” 🙂
Watched hunger games yesterday and got a fitting quote from there:
“may the odds be ever in your favor”… and it seems like they are in my favor since I am here for another day.. *banzai~~*
Ah, this is very interesting! I cant wait for Bebe’s response as well hahaha.
And I do hope that there will be a next post for you, Bu LOL
One day there will be another post..
I just need to figure out something interesting to write…
hello kak bubu!! 🙂
Greetings ellalae!
Aaaaah bubuuuu you are sooo sweet!! Be, jawil dikit boleh ya pipinya? Hihihihi…kapan ke indo? Mari kita ngakak bareng kakakakakakak…
Oh noes… “using indonesian”… argh… *goes to google translate…*
*red cheeks*
Hallo om bubu… ♪♪♪♪(ノ^^)乂(^^ )ノ♪♪♪♪
ckckck… why did you put a question mark next to my name on the list of things you like? mau tidur di balcony tonight? (ˇ⌣ˇ)-c<ˇ_ˇ)
You pass the first test, I've teached you well my padawan (⌣́_⌣̀)\('́⌣'̀ )… Now can I get a macbookpro, please… *teteup ujungnya minta mekbuk*
Brani post comment dbwh mba’ In aja: “Supporting Bebe to get macbookpro!”
Greetings… bebe?
It was cold on the balcony last night and I could hardly sleep due to all the flies sticking on my face..
Can I at least use the couch tonight..? Pretty please with sugar bubu on top?
Can’t wait for your another post bubu
You should write more often!
Hi Dhira
As soon as I have a topic… do you maybe have a suggestion?
Greetings new reader and welcome to Bebe’s blog. Hope you’ll enjoy it here
Om bubu… Kapan ke indonesia? Kenalan ya sama dedek faeyza dan aya.. Nice to meet you.. Om bubu… Btw.. I’ll wait ur next post yaa.. Hehe..
Oh noes… another one using Indonesian… *google translate…*
One beautiful day we’ll visit Indonesia.
Oh, and don’t say “om” bubu… makes me sound so old… or is it just me that is not used to “titles”?
I remember when I was in Indonesia when I was around 14 years old… I was about as tall as I am today (back then, maybe 178cm or so..) and wherever I went, people always went:
“mas”, “mas”, “mas” or “pak” “pak” “pak” and yeah…
I could not at all get used to that.. and now it’s “om”, “om”, “om” instead…
Om bubu, i think you will get more fans than mbak bebe.. *Then ‘tabok’ed by mbk bebe*
i hope you will have a chance to write in this blog again cause i and other reader want to know you more *kedip ganjen*
see ya in next post om bubu, sory for my english yang ngaco abis
^________^ do not give her any strange idea’s!!
Hm, I didn’t understand the last part “ngaco abis” but your English is perfectly fine. My fault for writing English on an Indonesian blog… Maybe that should be a reason for getting “tabok’ed by bebe”…
Nice to know you Mr. Bubu!
Oh, I can not waiting to see the suprised face of bebe! >_<
^________^ funny thing is, or maybe not that funny is, that bebe always sleeps with the ipad and/or iphone next to the bed.. She read and responded here before she even said good morning to me…
so yeah..
I missed the surprised face… :/
hallo juga om bubu…lebaran mudik enggak?*terkepo** digampar mba bebe*
*google translate is running hot today*
Hm.. I’m sorry, but google translate was worthless here.. maybe I should go and use “bebe translate”… but that service is offline again.. Only 9am now and it won’t be online for another few hours…
quick go record bebe’s face as she reads this post xD
T____T too late!!
now i can see Mr Bubu start writing….. so you are not indonesian? 🙂
Mr Bubu?! Hahaha T_T, Indonesian parents but born and raised in Sweden.
Using title for “my name” feel strange…
Hello Bubu!
or maybe you can have your own blog and write about bebe from your perspective? 😀
just a thought… 🙂
What is your evil plan? Me writing about bebe = writing the wrong thing = chaos. Trying to break us up? Hahaha
hahaha… no.. no.. don’t get me wrong… 😀
just a thought maybe it will be interesting to know more about you guys from your perspective. that’s all. 😀
hmm, this shall be interesting…
. Maybe you can be like a guest contributor here once in a while… 
Yeah, when I figure out stuff to write about, then I will come by from time to time.
wah, jadi mikir gimana kalau bojoku ikutan om bubu memperkenalkan diri seperti ini ya xixixi
salam kenal ya om bubu
*google translate is starting to charge me $$ for its service*
Hm… think I need to use “bebe translate” for this too.. but nice to meet you too!
Waaaaahhh…gimana yah ekspresinya mbak bebe (pemirsa gk sabar pengen tau kelanjutannya…)
By the way…nice to know you mas bubu *salaman*
“google translate is burning up….too much usage for one day*
Short story:
Yesterday when I went into the room to wake her up, the moment I opened the door, I could see and hear a small “twitch” from the blanket.
I looked at her face and it was still “sleeping and snoring”…
I just did a short “chuckle” sound and bebe couldn’t hold her poker face and started laughing out loud.
But yeah.. she had been up for a while and responding and reading to this post long before I even tried waking her up…
Hiiii Bubu 🙂 I’m emy.
Nice to read your first post!
Read some moree, please! Especially about Ipin a.k.a Bebe! Haha.
It’s gonna be interesting!
Errr typo. I meant: Write Some moreee, pleasee! 🙂
Greetings emy,
Iya.. but writing about bebe is a dangerous task…
it’s like walking near a mine field..
one wrong step and “BOOOOOOOM”…
Same question with bebe, why you put the question mark right after bebe?
Hi I’m dina a seafarer, obsesses to study in WMU Malmo Sweden… Bebe blog fan also…
Nice to read the blogpost from bubu…. Waiting for the next post deh…
Hi Dina,
Hm, you want to study WMU in Malmö, or are you here studying now?
Anyway, best of luck to you!
Yeah, I’ll do my best and think about a topic to write
Not yet in WMU, plan to be there next two years or three, for maritime law and insurance…
Thank you for the wishes…. Wish the best for you n bebe
Oh Noooo…Bebe…your husband hijack your blog??
Hi Bubu, I am Erry…
Bebe and I always talking about the other guy…Lee Min Ho…Korean Drama actor…hahaha…
Because we both like Korean Drama so much 🙂
But I am sure that You and my husband are more handsome than Lee Min Ho…
*it’s a lie*
You should write some more…
about Bebe’s bad habit maybe?…hahaha…
Haiii Handsome Bubu..
This is pretty interesting.. read your first post here..

and we like it. should be post more often yaa..
Dont know what to write since Im already way too late to know about this post but it it is fun to read your post Bu. Just like Ko Arman wrote, it is interesting to know your life there from your point of view.
*gw bukan sedang kepo lo Be.. 🙂