Note: First post for BEC :blush2:
When you read this blog, a fashion blogger probably would be the last thing you would ever consider to identify me with. And it’s a solid statement, since there’s almost nothing fashionable here that can act as an argument. So if I have to talk about fashion.. well you guys are screwed *LOL*. With that being said, I have to admit that fashion is not my thing. I got confused by the trend and mix matching.. well let’s just say that for me it’s as complicated as a math problem. And I’m really bad at math.
But hey, let’s talk about it anyway. So.. my style of fashion, I probably would say “Comfortably Casual”. An over-sized sweater with a pair of jeans and boots (or sneakers) would be the common choice, if not always. Oh, I also prefer an outfit that makes me look young but still somewhat age appropriate. I mean, yes of course I want to look like forever 21 gituh. But there’s also a chance I might end up looking like a 14 years old instead of 31. Which of course sometimes it may be good, if I want to be consider as an under-aged kid with a baby, but otherwise it’s just not the look that I’m aiming for.
My OOTD – over-sized sweater & leggings by H&M kids, secondhand knee high boots by Tamaris, “Sherlock coat” by Topshop, scarf by Cotton On.
This ootd picture is a perfect example of the outfit I love to wear when I go out. I love this look because it’s seriously comfortable. The layering gives me more options depending on how the weather that day. If it’s cold then the coat is on. If it’s getting warmer then sweater is enough. It also shows more versatility with the sweater casual look and the coat adding a more mature feel to it. So yeah, this look is one of my favorites.
Back to the topic of the unfashionable me, being a woman (almost write a “girl” but then I realized that I’m too old to be called that.. *sadar diri banget*) sometimes I DO want to dress up like a fashion blogger. Well maybe not wearing the latest trends straight from the runway of New York Fashion Week (ok, I watched too much Project Runway), but at least not that far off from the cooly dressed woman walking next to me on the street. But then again since mix matching isn’t really my forte, I cheat my way out by lurking on Pinterest, the ultimate source of anything cool and awesome, for some burst of inspiration. I only need to put a keyword based on the thing that I own, a pair of cream colored boots for example, and in no time I have tons and tons of different combination that I can choose from. Easy! Yeah Ok, it’s easy when you have all the items inside your closet, but when you don’t (which pretty much the usual scenario for me), scratching ground a.k.a garuk-garuk tanah would be the second best option. Haha 😀
In the end, I guess becoming a fashion blogger is a far-fetched dream for Bebe *sigh*. It probably best for everyone if I just continue focusing on writing about Kdrama + KPop and spazzing over all of those cute male lead instead. Who’s with me? :thinking:
I always think that you are one of the most stylish bloggers I know Be. Thank you ya for joining the challenge… 🙂
Ish.. langsung terbang baca komennya Dan.. Eh should I reply the comments also in english.. :laugh:
this challenge is fun.. Can’t wait for the next one. :yes:
Gayanya keren, Mbak.. Suka sama boots and coatnya 😀
Makasiiih.. 😉
ah! suka merendah nih dirimu mbak … ketje begitu!!!
Oh, I also prefer an outfit that makes me look young but still somewhat age appropriate. I mean, yes of course I want to look like forever 21 gituh — setujuh! ini antara emang kita bisa mix match keliatan muda atau self denial ya hihihiih tapi terserah lah yaaa yang penting forever young yaaaa kibas rambut
Jahahahah.. kan biar dipuji Gill bongkar modusnya
huahaah.. yoiiih.. harus dong keliatan muda.. :laugh:
i knew it!! HAHAHAHAHA 😀
Huahahah.. kebaca banget yaaa? :haha: :lmao:
Mamanya cakeep, anaknyapun ga kalah modis :heart: .
hihihi.. makasi Nel
I love foreign countries as there seems so common to use boots. I love boots! huaaa
Huaaa. same here. too bad it’s too warm to use boots in Indonesia.. But the ankle boots still works fine tho.. you should try that one.
that’s a great combination Be…
especially your boots !! oh my ..really cool… :heart: :heart:
Hihihi.. thank you Desi..
The boots.. I know.. :laugh: Seriously happy that I didnt have to pay full price for it. ibu2irit :laugh:
wow! i like your style, mbak.. that’s stylish fot sure 😀
aaah.. thank you.. :heart: :heart:
aaaaakkk Keceeee!!
aaaak.. makasiiiih Dita.. :girl_kiss: :girl_kiss:
You look stylish Mba, and your baby is super cute 😀
Thank you Nia.. :blush: 😉
selalu iri sama wanita-wanita di Eropa yang bisa pakai long coat sama boots. keceeeeh, Mbak Bebe :thumbsup:
Hahahaha.. sama Lia.. makanya sekarang seneng banget bisa nyoba2 pake long coat & boots juga.. :mrenges:
Bebe you are such a stylish woman..i like your boots btw hihi and i like Jo’s style too :heart:
maybe i should be thankful i live in korea now since i must buy clothes by myself and must follow the seasonal clothes fashion..kalo di indonesia tinggal minta muluk ke kakak ato nyokap buat beliin :banana3:
Buahahahaha… kalo aku di Indo biasanya nanya2 mulu sama adek yang emang jago mix match. Gue tinggal terima beres lah.. :laugh:
Btw, makasih loh dibilang stylish.. ahaha.. kecup nih :girl_kiss: :girl_kiss:
Hah? Itu keren banget mbak. Kamu modis abis mbak 😀 keren :))
Huaaaah.. terima kasiiiih.. 😥 aku terharuuu dibilang modis..
Aku suka lihat gayanya Jo gemesin. Oh ya Be blog aku emang ada dua 🙂 .lupa belum posting OOTD hehehe lagi sok sibuk. sibuk gosip hahaha lirk-lirik siapa ya 😀
Jaha… ok.. hahaha.. aku kaget gitu pas liat yang nulis kok kenal.. tapi webnya beda.. :laugh:
ayo mba dibikin OOTD.. ato OOTDnya si jagoan2 kecil.. 😀
Congrats on your first BEC English Friday submission! Your English is very good Be.
And you are one stylish mother too! I recognize myself when my daughter was a toddler, my style was exactly like yours. Comfort and casual.
Looking forward to your next English post.
Thank you mba.. I edited and re-edited this post like thousand times before I decided to publish it… :laugh:
Naw.. thanks, but yeah.. having a toddler really makes me think about those two element first.
I can’t wait for the next theme.. :wink2:
You look so gorgeous in that outfit, Miss. And your kid–oh she’s so cute. It looks like she’s chewing something, and her expression!
Oh, I’m sorry, I should pay more attention to the mother, instead of the daughter, right?
But her expression is indeed… very original! :hihi.
Hahaha.. she was actually kinda sleepy and had her favorite pacifier that time. But thank you.. :girl_tougue: :girl_tougue:
suka sama gayanya mbak bebe 🙂
Terimakasiiiih.. :blush2: :blush2:
Emak dan anak sama-sama ketjeh dan fashionista bingitssss
Aku sering main2 ke blog ketjeh ini mbaa… Tapi jarang komen kayaknya. Dan sekarang gateeel pengin komen, hihihi
Hi hi.. :bye2:
Makasiiih.. huaaa.. langsung tersipu dipanggil fashionista.. hahahah :laugh:
kereeeeen… u look so gorgeous in that mbaa… itu si baby juga keren gilak.. 😀
btw, OOTD juga my first post for BEC.. hahahaa
Hihihi.. makasiiih..
Waaah samaan doong.. asik ada temennya sama2 pendatang baru.. :blush:
anak dan ibu sama2 kerenn kokk be….
Hihihi.. makasiiih mba… :blush: :blush:
Wow… suka sama plaid coatnya, Be :heart: :yes: Congrats udah ikutan belajar bahasa Inggris ya :mail: Mommy dan Jo kelihatan modis sekali ya… Two thumbs up… way up :good: :good:
Ditunggu postingnya ttg acara2 Hallyu aka Korean Drama… udah lama nggak nyimak disini dech cuma kadang2 nonton reality show “Superman is Back” di KBS World.. Baby Tripletnya sangat lucu
Aku juga lagi nontonin acara itu mba.. dan udah gatel pingin nulis di blog siiih. cuma masih mungutin mood dulu nih abis sakit.. 😀
Favoritnya siapa mba? Aku suka banget sama Minguk.. gemesinnya.. Tapi kakak adeknya juga sama2 adorable sih.. :heart_beat: :heart_beat:
:heart: Suka sama Manse (kayak Sarang yg jatuh cinta habis2an pd Manse …. hihihihi) :heart:
Kadang2 disini juga nonton “Roommate” tapi sayangnya udah lama nggak diupdate di HULU, cuma nyampe episode 39 trus stop.. Yikes… :big_eye:
Iya si Manse itu unik bgt ya mba personalitynya.. Lovable banget.
Coba nonton dari aja mba. Mereka update terus tiap minggu.
I second You, Be! (or actually its’s 37th comments).
And, Oh.. scratching ground (your terms :D) pretty much my second best option too.. (mmm… more like : always) ^^ hihihihi…
pengen deh pake coat yang kewren tapi cuaca lagi hot-potatoes alias panas-kentang-kentang 😀
Hahahaha.. pake coat tipis ajaaa.. ada kook.. Yang cuma buat gaya gituuuh 😉
[…] seseorang yang mengaku buta trend baju dan ga modis sama sekali, gue sebenarnya mempunyai ketertarikan yang cukup lumayan akan dunia fashion. Jauh sebelum gue […]
Joooo… kelelep kayak jamur, cuma nongol empengnya aja… qkqkqkqk
Gaya gw malah kaos, celana pendek ma sendal jepit karet ala swallow bagusan dikit..panas cui hawa di SG ini, belon lagi uber2an ma Ethan..halah tapi ya, toss dulu aku juga ingin loh bikin blog post ala fashion blogger gituh..bikin yuk mak, yuuuk…